Monday, March 15, 2010

I (heart) the SEC

Who hearts basketball? We do! I never really cared about sports when I was in school, I mean I went to the games, but it was more of a social thing then actually to watch the game. However, since I got married that has changed. As most of you know, I fell in love with football a couple of years ago when Ben and I went to a Rams game for our anniversary. However, after Olivia was born, I began having an obsession with ESPN Sports Center. I think it's because when she would wake up in the middle of the night that was the only decent thing to watch. My favorite by far is football, but during tournament time I love some basketball.

As you can see, Little Miss O loves some sports too! =)
But we don't love just any old sports... WE LOVE THE SEC!!
I don't know if it's just a southern thing or what, but I heart the SEC and we heart UK!!
I pray that when Olivia gets older she will want to go to UK. So as the tournments starts this week... who will you be rooting for??
At the Harp household, we'll be saying C'mon CATS!! C-A-T-S CATS CATS GOOOO CATS!!!!

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