Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Olivia's 1st Birthday

I still can't believe that Olivia is now ONE!
Time has just flown by.
She's such a ball of fun these days.
She's really starting to get a personality.
At her party when she was opening her presents,
she would smile and clap her hands.
It was too cute!
Praising the Lord. =)
Waiting for her cake
Clapping her hands. So sweet!
 And again. ;-)
Her birthday "theme" was pumpkins...
Here's her monogrammed pumpkin.
Again, Praising the Lord! (My mom taught her this). ha!
After a little while she finally started getting into her cake
I think she liked her cone most of all. Ha!
Her #1 fan... her Poppy
Is this not the sweetest face?

Thanks to everyone who made her day so special!
We love you!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Just a Preview

Here's just a preview of Olivia's Birthday Party
from this weekend.
I'm pretty sure she LOVED every minute of it.
More pics soon to follow.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

It's hard to believe that in a couple of days
my little sweetie pie will turn
I can't believe how she has changed over the past year.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Accidents Happen

On Tuesdays & Thursdays my mother-in-law keeps Olivia.
She has been such a BIG help for us in the daycare/babysitter deciding factors.
I love that she wants to keep her
and Olivia loves going over there.
This makes for one very happy momma. =)
Now that Olivia is very mobile...
i.e. crawling, pulling up, etc.
She likes to get into everything!
Well, yesterday she had a little accident...
She fell out the door. =(
(Sorry for the picture quality, i.e. IPhone, bad lighting)
Now her little faced is scratched up,
but it doesn't seem to bother her
because she has been ALL smiles ever since! ha.
(She's one tough little girl).
I know that my MIL felt horrible,
but accidents happen.
I'm sure there will be many more to come.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Is That Your Final Answer?

This weekend we made a decision,
one that we've tossed around for a little while,
well I've tossed around in my mind for a little while..
the final verdict?
We changed the name for baby #2.
At first we were going to name him Elijah Grant Harp.
However, I'm not the biggest fan of Eli
and I know that when he grows up that's what he'll be called,
so we changed his name to...
Owen Elijah Harp
and yes,
this is the final name change.
I agree with Ben,
it's better to change our minds now. =)
Now only if December would get here and
we can meet the little guy. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Better Late Than Never...10-10-10

This past Sunday was mine & Ben's 7 year anniversary.
Unfortunately, I was laid up on the couch... sick.. all day.
Boo! =(
However, the hubs was sweet and we watched lots of football.
However, I guess it's better late than never,
but I have to say...
I'm very thankful for my wonderful husband!
I can't believe it's been 7 years!
In a way it seems like just yesterday
and in another way,
it seems like it's been forever.=)
So much has happened in the past 7 years,
but I'm truly thankful for our most recent changes...
two babies!
I can't believe that Olivia is almost a year old
and in a couple more months
we'll be blessed with our second child...
a sweet baby boy!
My heart is filled with such JOY and EXCITEMENT!
For my hubby...
Yes, like all couples, we've had our ups and our downs,
but I can truly say,
I cannot imagine my life without you!
Not only are you a great husband and father,
you are also
Sorry this post is late, but I LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART!!
Happy Anniversary...
I look forward to MANY MANY MORE YEARS together!!

Olivia's 1st Birthday Invitations

Is this not the cutest invitation??
I've been looking forward to Olivia's 1st Birthday
well ever since she was born!
I love hosting/planning parties
so I've enjoyed planning her first birthday party.
I was overjoyed when I found this site on etsy.
She designs the cutest invitations
and all for a really good price.
Definitely go & check her out. =)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sweet Music to My Ears

It's rare that I have two posts on the same day,
but I have something really sweet to share...
Last night we went to Wal-Mart. (Ugh)!
It was packed and of course there weren't enough cashiers.
However, after waiting in line to check out for about 20 minutes,
we finally got to the register and the cashier said,
"Oh, I know you.. I've waited on you before...
You're the happy baby."
I can't even begin to explain how happy that made me.
My child is known as the "Happy Baby."
Needless to say, it was music to my ears
and it made the long lines and crowds a little easier to bear. =)
Happy Wednesday!

Loving Fall

I don't have a whole lot to say,
just a few sweet pics to share.
We are loving this GORGEOUS fall weather!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Riding Along in My Automobile

A few months ago my mom & I went to Clarksville, TN
It's a huge consignment store that has anything and everything!
I loved it!
While we were there
we bought Olivia a toy car.
Needless to say, SHE LOVES IT!!
It stays over at my parent's house
and I think they push her around in it throughout the day.
I have to say,
she looks pretty cute riding around in it. =)
She's getting so big now,
that she will crawl over to it
and stand up beside it
until someone comes over and
puts her in it
and pushes her around.
(I think she's already figured out how to get her way). Ha!