This Friday I will be SIX months preggo... WOW!! Time has been flying by. A few weeks ago I felt like we hadn't accomplished anything in Olivia's room, so Ben & I took a shopping trip to Nashville. I was very surprised that Ben was willing to go along for the ride, but we had a great time. While we were there, we bought Olivia's bedding at Target! Yes, Target!! We got the best deal on all of it. After we bought her bedding I was ready to head home and put everything in her room. Literally, from that afternoon to the end of the next week we had Ms. Olivia's room finished! I picked out the colors and Ben did the rest.... He worked really really hard... let's see...He painted stripes, yes, stripes on the walls, put up a chair rail (painted it also), Ripped up carpet, laid new laminate flooring... I was very much impressed! He's going to be such a great daddy. We just can't wait until she gets here!
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