This past weekend was a very busy one around our household. Thursday was my Grandmother's birthday, Friday was my Grandparents anniversary & Saturday was Ben's birthday. Needless to say, we had a very busy, but fun family weekend. Friday night after work Ben & I went to the lake to stay at my parents house trailer with them and Saturday we had a huge fish fry.
Here's to the cooks! My dad and my Great Uncle Gerald. Yummy!!
My little cousin Makayla & Me after filling our tummys with fish and all the fixins. (You know you're a southern when you say fixins). ha!
My Grandparents stuffing their faces. This past Thursday was their 55th wedding anniversary!! Isn't that the most amazing thing? It's a miracle these days if people make it 55 days, even 55 minutes, but 55 years is an AMAZING accomplishment!! I'm very proud of them.
After our church service Sunday morning, we (most of our congregation) went and joined our evening service with another church. Here's the pics of us, again, stuffing our faces after church and having some fun.
Me & Ben at El Chicos.
Me, Terry, Austin & Pam after stuffing our faces. ha!
We had a great weekend! A very busy weekend, but great weekend!!
Hi, Amanda. Thanks for stopping by. 1. Your pictures are cute and you're an adorable little pregnant person! 2. Do not fret about working. The Lord meets all our needs and will give you the strength to go back when it's time. I pray that every day you have with your little girl is full of excitement! Lots of moms work and I was fully prepared to do it. So hang in there, girly!