Yesterday we celebrated Ben's 31st birthday. He had to work the night before so most of the morning he slept. While he was sleeping Olivia & I made him some Blondie brownies.
They were delicious! Here's a pic of the finished product. (Olivia's pretty obsessed with making her "silly face") lol.
After Ben woke up we had arranged a meeting with, how do I put this, a burial plot advisor. Yes, morbid I know especially on Ben's birthday, but it's something we had talked about for awhile.
After our appointment my parents called and wanted us to go to dinner for Ben's birthday. Olivia was ecstatic! All morning she kept saying we need to have "a party, party hats, presents & cake."
She has a thing for birthdays. My mom must be right on target because she brought party hats & noisemakers (to Olive Garden). Lol!
Olivia loved it! Our friends Austin & Allie joined us.
We had a great time. It was fun having a low key family celebration.
After we went to eat we went up to the lake. The kids love it there.

Unfortunately they act like crazy people because they get off their schedules, miss naps and all. All in all we had a great time.
I'm truly thankful for my little family!
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