Friday, April 13, 2012


I want to start off this post by saying how truly thankful I am that I serve such an AMAZING God!!! Ben works part time at the hospital. Well, he hasn't worked all week, so last night I told him, "I really wish you could work one day this week because then you would have a regular paycheck" (one I've already budgeted for). It wasn't five minutes after I said that, that he received a text message asking him if he wanted to work today!!! What Ben didn't know was that earlier I had prayed over our finances and told God that He knew what we needed and sure enough, HE SUPPLIED OUR NEEDS!!!! Like I said in my last post, God will supply ALL our needs according to His riches in Glory!!! I'm so thankful and so blessed!!!
Nevertheless, I guess this all ties into my post because I wanted to post about our Easter.
We had such a great Easter. The kids had so much fun hunting eggs and I was so proud of my church kids for their performance at church. It was really a great day!! I enjoyed being able to spend Sunday celebrating the resurrection of my Savior, Jesus Christ!!! He's so awesome, I really can't say that enough. :) Since we were all decked out in our Easter duds we decided to take some family pics.
Here's all of us, well except for Owen, cheesing it up. lol! We were all saying, "CHEESE"!
Here's little Miss and little Mister. One of my friends on Facebook commented and said, "look there's Ben and Amanda." lol! I think she's right, except their hair looks extremely red in this picture. It's actually strawberry blond.
After our morning service, we came back to church at 4:00 for our Easter egg hunt.
Little Miss loved hunting all the eggs. She actually did pretty good. She'd run and pick them up and put them in her basket and then she'd go off to the next one.
Owen on the other hand, he didn't quite seem to get the concept.
He just wanted to play in the grass. :)

I enjoyed all of our festivities at church, but most of all I enjoyed spending time with my family and celebrating the One who gave it all for me. I hope you had a wonderful Easter and remember that it's not about a Bunny or eggs or even Peeps, but we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus!

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