I know I've taken a little blogging break, but we've had lots going on. Let's see, where to begin, how about Christmas Day. Christmas morning we woke up, opened presents & waited for my parents to come over so we could open presents with them. They arrived & we opened more presents & then I went to use the restroom. (sorry for all the details, but this is how it all happened). After using the restroom, I noticed I lost my mucous plug! Whoa!! That had never happened before. I was also having contractions, so the fam decided I needed to call the doctor. Of course, since it was Christmas day, some other doctor was on-call. He said I needed to come to the hospital just to be evaluated and to have my cervix checked. I lalee-gaged around and finally at 8 something on Christmas night we made a trip down to the hospital. They put me on the monitor, but of course by then I was feeling better, so we were there for about an hour and then they sent us home. False alarm. :-(
I told Ben when they sent us home that I would not go back to the hospital until the 30th (the day my c-section was scheduled) or unless my water broke. Those were the ONLY two conditions! So, the next day we went to church (I still wasn't feeling that great), but I knew I didn't have too much longer & then we would welcome our sweet baby boy to the world. That night we dismissed our church services so people could spend time with their families. Ben & I were supposed to go see the new Narnia movie with his family, but I just wasn't feeling up to it.
The next morning we woke up around 1:30 to Olivia crying. Ben made her a bottle & I went to the bathroom. When I got back to bed I just couldn't get comfortable. I tossed & turned until about 3:00 & then I decided to hit the couch. I dozed off and on, but around 5:30 I started having major contractions! I decided I should probably start timing them & by 7:30 they were 4 to 5 minutes apart! I told Ben to go ahead & go to work because I thought maybe they'd pass, but they didn't! My mom was just getting off work, so she came over. On her way to our house I guess she talked to Ben & she told him to get in touch with Dr. Hodges! (their office was closed, but somehow he got to speak directly to her). She told him to get me to the hospital ASAP! (like I said, I had already decided that I was not going to go to the hospital unless my water broke or it was the 30th). Well, needless to say, when the doctor days get to the hospital, you do just that. My dad cane to our house to get Olivia ready & mom & I took off. (my mom drove like a maniac!!) However, Ben met us at the hospital & they put us in a room in labor & delivery. Not too long after I was admitted Dr. Hodges came in & said there's a c-section going right now, but as soon as they're done we'll take you down- You're having this baby today!! Whoo hoo!! I was overwelmed with all kinds of emotions, but mostly excitement. All this happened around 9:00 am & at 12:04 pm our sweet baby Owen was born.
He weighed 7 lbs. & 5 oz. & was 18.5 inches long. Everything went great! I was given a spinal, but by later that night I was setting up & talking to everyone. The section was just perfect! Sooo much better than Olivia's. Ben got to be back there with me & everything went off without a hitch. The next day I got up & got in the shower- all by myself!! No one knows what a joy that was. The next day after I had Olivia I barely knew who I was, much less bathe myself- the nurse actually gave me a shower, so to say this time was better is a total understatement! And then after only 48 hours & on my birthday, (2 days, instead of 5 days like it was with Olivia), we got to come home! Hallelujah!!
Life has been just great since we've been home. Olivia loves her little brother. She's always giving him kisses, it's the cutest & sweetest thing! I never thought I'd say this, but I'm definitely happy that they're this close together in age & I'm so happy that they'll grow up together. My new most favorite quote is: We may not have it all together, but together we have it all! That totally defines our family at the moment. Thank you for all your thoughts & prayers. I definitely felt them & they're much appreciated!
We're having the time of our lives & these are definitely the moments I want to hold onto & cherish forever!
Small Town
2 years ago
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