We didn't do anything special this year for Valentine's day. Usually, me or Ben will plan something special and we'll go have a nice dinner or I'll cook a nice dinner at the house, but this year.. we didn't do anything. We went to Majestic in Mayfield Saturday night for dinner. Ha. I guess this is what happens after you have a baby. (I'm just kidding). But honestly, this year I didn't want to go anywhere special. I just wanted to spend time with the two loves of my life... Ben and Olivia, so that's just what we did.

Saturday afternoon some of the ladies from our church took Sis. Nancy (our door greeter) out to
Dumplins in Murray for her birthday. They have the best cake! She was so surprised. We had such a good time eating and talking, just having girl time. Afterwards, I had to stop by the Plaid Rabbit. It's like an addiction. Ever since Olivia was born I don't want to shop for myself anymore, but I'm addicted to the Plaid Rabbit, Katie J's and Ribbon
Chix. It's really bad. But, they were having a great sale so I bought her the cutest
Biscotti outfit. After I got home and spent some time with her and Ben and then we took her to her Mimi & Poppy's house and then we went and had dinner at Majestic. Ben says this week he's going to take me somewhere "nice" for our belated Valentine's day dinner. ha. I think we're going to go to this new Argentinian restaurant Martin
Fierro Grill
http://www.martinfierrogrill.com/ it looks very yummy.

Sunday we went to church. Olivia had on the cutest outfit. I had ordered her shirt from
http://www.etsy.com/shop/thatstoocuteboutique and I ordered her leggings from
http://www.etsy.com/shop/fategoddess. I made her tutu. She was the star of the show. ha. Sunday night we had a Valentine's day
spaghetti supper. We have three couples in our church who have been married 50+ years. We honored them and placed them at the head table and then they each gave their testimony of how they had made it that long together. I think everyone had a really good time. This is what Olivia did Sunday night. She's getting so big. ha. What did you do for Valentine's Day?

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