Yesterday we took Olivia to the doctor for her four month check-up and four month shots. The check-up went great. The shots... not so great...

(Shame shame on her Poppy for letting her know that television even exists!) Ha!

What's going on at 4 months?
Weight: 13 lbs. 1 oz.
Length: 22 in.
Head: 16 in.
Length: 22 in.
Head: 16 in.
The doctor said everything looks wonderful! Yay! And he no longer hears her heart murmur! Praise the Lord!!! =)
I know murmurs aren't that big of a deal, but I'm soo glad both of her are gone!
My dad is bound and determined that it's time to start feeding Olivia baby food, but the doctor said not for a few more weeks. We can start feeding her rice cereal in a bowl twice a day instead of in her bottle. Then in about 3 to 4 weeks we can start introducing vegetables.
Getting her shots was absolutely horrible!! This time was MUCH worse than the last.

Thank God my aunt went back there with me! I could not have done it by myself! We had Olivia dressed in the cutest outfit before her shots. She was wearing her little blue jeans, but afterwards she was SCREAMING so we put a little sleeper on her. Bless her heart...
However, last night she did wonderful!!! She went to sleep in the car ride from my parent's house to our house, so when we got home I put her in bed and she slept ALL NIGHT! From around 7:00 pm to 6:30 am. She woke up this morning just smiling. She's sooo sweet!