Sorry for the short blogging break,
but we were out of town all last week.
It was MUCH needed and we had a great time.
However, while we were gone
Olivia turned 11 months old!!
I can't believe that in less than a month she will be one!
That's just CRAZY!!
What is she up to these days????
She is getting sooo big!
I'm not exactly sure how much she weighs,
but I'd say around 20+ pounds.
Needless to say,
she doesn't miss a meal. ha.
This little girl LOVES to eat!
Usually she will eat 4 to 6 baby food jars a day
with a couple bottles in between.
She's also found a new love for the Gerber puffs!
She eats them like there's no tomorrow.
She loves gravy!
Every Monday her Mimi & Poppy take her to Hill's
and she eats a whole bowl of gravy!
She's started eating more and more table food,
but she still loves her baby food.
She's wearing sizes ranging from 6 to 9 months to 9 to 12 months.
We're pretty excited about this cooler weather because
she'll get to start
wearing all of her new fall clothes. =)
Just over the last month,
she's had several teeth to come in.
I'm not exactly sure how many she has,
but I'll say somewhere between 6 to 8.
She definitely has a mouth-full. =)
She crawls around like a wild woman!
She just flys through the house.
She's not walking just yet,
but I don't think it will be too much longer.
She's pulling up on everything and she's very mobile,
but she just hasn't figured out how to "let go" yet.
I wouldn't know where she gets this from,
but she's a talker! Ha!
She just rattles and rattles.
Her most common words are:
Momma (yay!!), Dada, Pop-pee (Poppy), bye bye, ba ba & hi.
Every now and then she'll throw some other words in there,
but those are the ones that she has down the best.
She also "Praises the Lord."
It's the cutest thing I've ever seen-
When we say praise the Lord,
she'll just raise her little hands and smile.
It's sooo sweet!
I don't remember our lives before we had Olivia
and I don't want too.
She is the greatest blessing we could ever ask for.
She's such a good baby.
She usually sleeps through the night
and she always has the best disposition.
I'm so happy that she's our little girl!
Mommy & Daddy