Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Catching Up

I feel like I haven't blogged in ages!!
Mind you, it was only like a week ago. Ha!
Anywhos.. this past weekend some ladies from my church, myself &
Olivia went here for this.
We had a really good time. Lots of shopping and more shopping and more shopping.
Did I mention shopping? Ha!
I took some pictures, but unfortunately not as many as I thought. =(
I DO LOVE THIS PIC!! She looks too cool for school! HAHA!!

When we were here ... doing what we do best... shopping.. a photographer...
this guy took some pics of me & O.
Isn't it adorable???
He took several more and even though one of my docs, Dr. J, thinks I take WAY TOO MANY pictures of Olivia...
I think I'm going to order some prints. ;-)

I hope you have a great rest of the week!
It's HUMP day!! Whoo Hoo!
Olivia's 6 month check up to follow tomorrow...
please pray for us... she has to get SHOTS! ;-(

Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekend Safari

Ben was actually off this weekend! Can you believe it?
I sure can't! We had lots of fun!
We went to the lake and stayed at my parent's trailer.
This was Olivia's first overnight trip to the lake.
She did sooo good. I was so proud of her. =)
We decided Saturday that we should go here.
I have never went on their "Jungle Run" until this weekend.
Olivia LOVED it!!
She loves animals!!
I hope you enjoy the pics!!
Our little family ;-)
Yes, that's right... a camel

With the horses
I wish you could actually see more in this picture, but it was a sheep and her lamb.
They were adorable!

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I know we sure did!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Our Weekend In Review

Oh where to begin?
This past weekend we were supposed to have a fun-filled family weekend with my in-laws. Key word supposed.
Ben's brother lives in Frankfort and we had planned to leave on Friday and come back Monday.
Well, I guess you figured out by the picture above that
we did make it to Frankfort.
However, we weren't there for very long. =(
We left house Friday afternoon around 2:00 and
we got to Frankfort around 7:00.
Ben's brother and my two sisters-in-laws took us out to eat Friday night at a great Thai restaurant.Thai Smile.(I definately recommend it to anyone who likes Asian food).
Very yummy!
Well, our trip wasn't just for leisure. Ben had a respiratory conference to go to on Saturday. Unfortunately, Olivia thought it to be in her best interest to keep us up..
ALL NIGHT Friday night.
I know Ben had to be exhausted going to his class the next day
because I know how tired I was.

Nevertheless, Ben went to his class and
Ellee, Olivia & myself went shopping.
We went here to this adorable children's botique in downtown Frankfort.
They had some REALLY cute stuff! And we also went here and found some great scrapbooking materials. Olivia was getting cranky by that point so we decided to go back to their house and try to put her down for a nap. (That didn't quite work). So on and on with the fuzziness (which really never happens) and on and on with my fuse getting shorter and shorter... when Ben got home we decided around 8:30 that we were going to head home. Yes, we left their house Saturday night, instead of Monday and headed home.
We didn't go to church at all on Sunday which is totally out of the norm for us, but we were soooo tired and Olivia still didn't feel very good so we opted to stay home and get nothing accomplished instead. Ha!
Monday we took Olivia to the doctor and she has in laimen's terms a sore throat and a runny nose.
(Uh.. yeah.. could have told them that, but anyways...)
She is now on a antibiotic and some cold medicine.

Obviously by these pictures you can tell she's feeling MUCH better!
*The pics from the lake were taken Monday afternoon... I didn't get too many pictures in Frankfort becuase she was so upset*
Well, I hope everyone has a good rest of the week & thank God tomorrow is FRIDAY!!
Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Psalsm 34:8

Go here for a chance to win one of these

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pray & Believe

Please pray for me today.
I don't want to say to much about "it" yet,
but I am hoping "this" will work out.
I want to be in God's will.
With my head & my heart "this" is what I want,
but I want to do what GOD wants!
For those wondering, it's a good thing.
Just please pray.
And just because I can't have a post without pics of Olivia...
here you go
My funny girl =)

Matthew 21:22
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Who loves the warm weather?
One sweet little girl.
Happy Spring.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Olivia's 1st Easter

We had a great... busy... but great weekend!
Olivia was soooo good this past weekend!
I think she's over the "sickness." Hallelujah! =)
Anywhos.. besides me rambling...
I love Easter first because JESUS IS ALIVE!
Second... because the Easter bunny comes (well not really, but it's still fun to think so)  and third because we get to get new dresses... cute dresses.. cute pink.. purple... yellow.. spring-time dresses.. smocked dresses...
I have been longing for the day when Olivia could wear her cute bunny rabbit smocked dress and you know what... the day finally arrived... Little Miss O's 1st Easter!
Even though she's mine.. I can't help but say.. she was such a doll yesterday!

I don't think she knew what to think about her Easter basket.
It was filled with so many "goodies." Ha! Mainly clothing items, but she did get a bunny rabbit and a little chicken and then her Mimi and Poppy gave her a chicken with bunny ears that sings "Here comes Peter Cottontail." Ha! It's hilarious!

Stinker-bug and her #1 fan her Daddy
Me & my little Sweetie Pie

My little "pink" family ;-)

The other "pink" family.. Olivia with her Mimi & Poppy

I hope everyone had a wonderful & blessed Easter weekend!
Even though I heart the new clothes and the warm weather and all the good food...
Most of all I HEART that Jesus died on the cross
and rose again!
He IS the REASON for the Season!
Happy Easter!!!!!!