Monday, March 29, 2010

My Sweet Girl

How was your weekend?
Overall, we had a pretty good one.
Olivia has been a little under the weather & unfortunately the doctor started her on an antibiotic today.
This is her first time to have an antibiotic. =(
However, she hasn't been really fussy, she's still a good baby even when she doesn't feel good. Ha! (I guess I can say that since she's mine). =)
Olivia and I went to my friend Katie's baby shower Saturday afternoon and that evening we had family over. We had such a good time with everyone.
I don't have a whole lot to say today,
but I hope you enjoy the pictures and have a Happy Monday and a good rest of the week!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Olivia is so blessed to have BOTH sets of grandparents!
I never met my dad's father. He passed away before I was born.
My grandmother remarried and I loved him like he was my "real" grandfather, but he passed away several years ago.
Olivia is very fortunate to have both sets of grandparents.
Unfortunately, the week Olivia was born was the same week that Ben's grandfather (Olivia's great-grandfather) passed away. I loved & still love Grandpa. I wish that Olivia could have met him because she would have loved him as much as Ben & I do, but I know that he is in Heaven and he checks in on us from time to time. :-) Olivia's other great-grandmother (Ben's Grandma Gardner) also passed away before she was born, but I know that she also looks down on us.
I guess I've said all that to say this... since Olivia was born we have tried to take pictures any time that she is around her grandparents or great-grandparents and last night we just finished our collection.
My grandmother, my dad, Olivia and me.
 I think Olivia was about a month old in this picture.
Ben's grandma, Olivia, Ben & Ben's dad

My parents, grandparents, Ben, Olivia & Me

Grandma, Olivia, Ben & Ben's parents

We are so blessed with such a great family and
 we love each of you with all of our hearts!

With love,
Ben, Amanda & Olivia

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Olivia 5 Months

Olivia... You are 5 months old

What are you up to these days?

You weigh approximately 15 to 16 pounds

You are a Mommy & Daddy's girl!
When we go to pick you up at your Mimi & Poppy's and you hear us talking you start looking around trying to find us and when you do find us you just smile!
It brightens my day!!
You are really developing a personality.
You were, at one point & still sometimes are, very serious, but you're kind of breaking away from that now. You're beginning to smile and laugh.
It's sooo cute!
You still sleep through the night. Sometimes we have to get up and check on you, but it's usually just to put your passy back in your mouth and then you go back to sleep.
You are a VERY sound sleeper. Damien will bark and you usually sleep right through it.
We have started feeding you Carrotts, Peas & Bananas mixed with your cereal.
(Not all at the same time of course. ha!)
You really love the bananas. You suck them down like they're candy.
I think you are going to be a good eater and not be picky like your daddy. (Sorry Ben). ha.
You are still in a size 1 diaper and you LOVE just having your diaper on with nothing else.
Since the weather's been warmer we've let you lounge around the house in just your diaper and you LOVE it!
You also LOVE your exercauser. You have such a big time when we put you in it.
You really do entertain yourself when your playing in it. It's so cute because you've learned how to spin one of the things around. It just seems to fasinate you when you do it.
You can still wear some 0 to 3 month clothes, but you are mainly in 3 month to some 3 to 6 month sizes. You are getting so big. I'm glad you are growing like you should, but I wish time could just stand still and I could keep you small for a little while longer.
You really do make our lives complete!
I don't remember our life before you and I don't want to.
Mommy & Daddy

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring has Sprung

We had such a good time this weekend. The weather was so nice Saturday so me and Olivia spent the whole day out and about together. Unfortunately, Ben had to work. :-( One of our friends works at our local bank and they had an Easter egg hunt Saturday. I know that Olivia is too young to hunt eggs, but the "Easter bunny" was there so we got our picture made with her. Olivia was in such a good mood all weekend. She is getting such a little personality. She is one funny girl.
We also had friends over Saturday night to watch the UK game. (Way to go CATS!!!) I enjoy when our friends come over. Since I don't have brothers or sisters, I pretty much call all of our friends Olivia's aunts or uncles. She's going to grow up thinking she has several extended family members. Ha!
Sunday, the weather took a turn for the worse. I was very much enjoying our spring like weather, but by Sunday it was cold and rainy. UGH! Hopefully, the March flowers are a sign that spring is just around the corner. I can't wait until the weather stays nice so we can go on walks and go to the park and just be OUT... not be cooped up inside all the time. What are you planning to do this spring?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

I (heart) the SEC

Who hearts basketball? We do! I never really cared about sports when I was in school, I mean I went to the games, but it was more of a social thing then actually to watch the game. However, since I got married that has changed. As most of you know, I fell in love with football a couple of years ago when Ben and I went to a Rams game for our anniversary. However, after Olivia was born, I began having an obsession with ESPN Sports Center. I think it's because when she would wake up in the middle of the night that was the only decent thing to watch. My favorite by far is football, but during tournament time I love some basketball.

As you can see, Little Miss O loves some sports too! =)
But we don't love just any old sports... WE LOVE THE SEC!!
I don't know if it's just a southern thing or what, but I heart the SEC and we heart UK!!
I pray that when Olivia gets older she will want to go to UK. So as the tournments starts this week... who will you be rooting for??
At the Harp household, we'll be saying C'mon CATS!! C-A-T-S CATS CATS GOOOO CATS!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Middle of the week pick me up...or maybe...Put me to sleep

Sorry it's been so long since my last post...but I've been REALLY busy here lately... between being a mom, a wife, a co-worker, a friend, a church member, etc. I've had lots going on, but it's all been good. =) I just thought that this might be a middle of the week pick me up... here's some of Olivia's sleeping habits... HAHA!! She's one funny girl. I especially LOVE the last picture!
Hope you all have a good rest of the week!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Earlier tonight after Olivia and I left my parent's house we were driving home. Ben has to work tonight, so it was just us two. Our road is somewhat "hilly." As I was driving I saw a vehicle coming over one of the hills, so as always, I slowed down. Then as I was driving up the other hill a truck came flying by and hit my driver's side mirror. It all happened so fast. I drove up to the next driveway and turned around. The truck NEVER stopped!! I came on to our house and my mirror is GONE! There are scrathes down the side of my car and on the driver's side window. I honestly do not know how the truck did not actually hurt me or my vehicle any worse than it did, but all I can say is that God was watching over me and Olivia. I am so thankful that we are ok and even though the mirror is gone and there's some scratches...we're still here! I know that it doesn't sound like it hurt our vehicle very much, but when you can see and feel a vehicle hit you, nearly head on, you freak out a little bit. I'm so thankful that we are ok.
I mean look at this little girl =)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Good friends + Good food = Good times

Even though I'm a few days behind, we had a good time this past weekend. Friday night our friends Corrie & Kelly met us at our house and we went to Shogun in Murray. (YUMMY!) This was Olivia's second trip out to a restaurant at night and she was WONDERFUL!!
I know she's mine, but she really is a good baby.

This was Corrie and Kelly with Olivia. I think Olivia was in awe of all that was going on.

Here's Olivia with her daddy. (My two loves!) :-)

Here's me & Olvia... I guess she was getting sleepy. She has such a hard life. Ha!
For those who don't know, Shogun is a Japenese Steak & Sushi restaurant. On one side they cook the food right in front of you and on the other side they have the sushi bar. As you can see below, it is very delicious.

Mmm.. good =)

Not so yummy...

Ben was actually off Saturday! (Can you believe it?) I was so glad to be home and be able to spend the day with Ben & Olivia. Throughout the week it's hard for us three to spend time together because we both work Monday thru Friday, but then Ben also works Tuesday and Thursday nights at the hospital, so on the weekends, that's "our" time to be together and Saturday we did just that. We went to Paducah and went consignment store shopping. I was trying to find Olivia a little bouncy seat and a high chair. She has a walker but it's still too big for her and she's really going to be needing a high chair before too long because we have started feeding her cereal twice a day (out of a bowl with a spoon)! She's getting to be so big. ha! Anyways, we didn't find a bouncy seat or a high chair, but it was fun spending time just us three. Later on Saturday night we went to C & K's house for game night. (That seems to be our new weekly tradition). This weekend it looks like it will be at our house, but for now... here's the most recent picture of Olivia... isn't she adorable with all the cereal around her mouth...